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stress incontinence meaning in Hindi

stress incontinence sentence in Hindi

दबाव असंयति
stress    जोर तनाव थकान दबाव
incontinence    नित्य-कर्म पर
1.If this compression is lost by tissue tears, then stress incontinence results.

2.Like millions of Americans, Mari Lynn quietly suffered for years from stress incontinence.

3.Some people with urge incontinence also have stress incontinence and this can complicate clinical studies.

4.It has been studied in the treatment of stress incontinence in elderly women with efficacy observed.

5.Other complications from surgery can include urinary incontinence, stress incontinence, a urethrovaginal fistula, or recurrent diverticula.

6.When they are low-tone ( hypotonic ) they will contribute to stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

7.Repeat injections can be scheduled every 6 to 12 weeks as needed for persistent symptoms of stress incontinence.

8.Table 22.2 shows the results of the recent randomized controlled trials on urethral bulking injection for stress incontinence.

9.Surgery is also an option for some women, and for those with stress incontinence two options work well.

10.Sepracor has new versions of Meridia under development for depression, attention deficit disorder, erectile dysfunction and urinary stress incontinence.

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urinary incontinence that occurs when involuntary pressure is put on the bladder by coughing or laughing or sneezing or lifting or straining

How to say stress incontinence in Hindi and what is the meaning of stress incontinence in Hindi? stress incontinence Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.